The celebrity gallery - Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Time of birth:
30.11.1874 01:30:00
Time zone: 0
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965) — a British statesman and politician, a Prime Minister of the Great Britain in 1940 - 1945 and 1951 - 1955; a soldier, a journalist, a writer, an honorary member of the British Academy (1952), a winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1953).

Interesting facts

The Personal life (The Black Sun)
Churchill changed his habits unwillingly. As he was a confirmed bachelor, the proposal to his future wife was not on the spot decision. However, in 1908, Winston and Clementine got spliced. Their honeymoon they spent in Italy and when they came back, they settled in a mansion on Eccleston street in London. This house became the family residence. Winston’s bachelor apartment, of course, was not suitable for family life. Thus, Churchill had to forget not only about his old bachelor apartment, but also about his old way of life. It was the most difficult for him. Churchill's life was accompanied by several women with varying success before Clementine appeared and his wife became a faithful companion throughout his life. His spouse, according to Churchill, brought regularity and calmness into his life.

The Independence (The White Moon)
Winston Churchill had a strong and independent temper. The expression: "Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong. The same way a child deprived of the attention of his father finds the strength and independence of spirit, rewarding him for his offences" belongs to him.

The Sense of humor (The White Moon, The White Saturn)
Churchill was one of the wittiest men of his time. A sense of humor helped him to make up leeway with dignity not once nor twice. Lady Astor once told him: "If I had to marry you, I would give some poison to you". Churchill replied "If I were your husband, I would take this poison". In addition, Churchill could laugh at himself as no one else. Even when he was old, he continued to make fun of his senility - when the croupier of the casino whispered to a great player that he had unbuttoned pants, Sir Winston just snorted: "The dead bird will never flutter out from the nest..."

The difficult apprentice (The Black Mercury, The White Jupiter)
Winston was growing up as an obstinate, rebellious and cocky boy. While studying at school the teachers noted his "forgetfulness, absence-mindedness, eternal tardiness and systematic violation of the discipline". Despite his remarkable abilities given by the nature, he did not move further than learning the alphabet in the study of Latin and Greek, he despised the exact sciences and by any means demonstrated his unwillingness to learn. It is true, Winnie had a brilliant memory, but he used it only to catch the teachers when they quoted Shakespeare inaccurately. He succeeded only in the things he loved: horse riding, various games such as squash and polo and in the art of talking, perfectly underlined by the excellent knowledge of English.

Not a politician but a "public figure" (The White Jupiter)
Churchill was a consistent and implacable opponent of both fascism and communism. In his first speech in the status of the Prime Minister in the House of Commons, which took place immediately after the surrender of France to Nazi Germany, Churchill made it clear that the UK is not going to compromise: "You ask what our aim is? My answer is simple – to win, to win at all costs, the victory over the terror, the victory no matter how long and painful it may be". Churchill did not even consider the possibility of negotiations with Hitler. In 1943 the Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union established anti-Hitler coalition (the Big Three). However, the close relations between the allies disappeared after the war. Moreover, Churchill actively urged European leaders not to yield to the influence of the Soviet Union, and that was he who invented the term "The Iron Curtain".
Churchill was devoted to his people with the body and soul. Serving people, he spared no effort or time. He did not like being called a politician and preferred the term "a public figure". In his opinion, "a public figure differs from the politician in thinking not about the next election, but about the next generation".

The self-display (The White Mars)
Churchill successfully coped with the duties of the commander, led war like he was playing cards - bluffed, tacked, made risky moves. Besides the fact that he was able to lead people and there was no at least close person to his eloquence, he was also a talented actor. Churchill was able to draw benefit using his name, his past, his appearance. His popularity was diligently supported by the media, and the reporters sculptured the image of Churchill under his tactful guidance as he deftly subdued the lighting process of his activities in the press. Churchill always appeared in public surrounded by a whole crowd of photographers and cameramen. His image was everywhere. Churchill looked from huge posters hanging on the walls and pillars, on the advertising columns in towns and villages, his face could be seen even in the desert and on the ships of the Royal Navy. Every week in the theaters twenty-five - thirty million viewers continuously looked at the familiar strong face in the news. "It is better to make news than talk about them", Winston Churchill said.

The optimist (The White Saturn, The White Mars)
"A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty" - these words belong to Winston Churchill. He had a tremendous ability to turn any trouble to his favour. In 1931 he went to the United States to lecture and in New York. Due to his absentmindedness, he immediately was hit by a car. Having barely recovered after 15 fractures, he dictated to "Collier’s" magazine the article "My New York unpleasant adventure". This ironic essay, reprinted by almost all American newspapers, brought the author two thousand five hundred dollars (the paid fee completely covered a three-week recovery vacation of Churchill and his wife with daughter in the Bahamas) provided him with an excellent promotion.

"Winston – the Superstar" (The Black Venus)
Churchill always paid great attention to his appearance. Contemporaries ranked him as one of the most chosen people, having good taste in clothes. Without suffering undue modesty, he always liked to be the center of attention. He was adored and respected as by a high-ranked officials as by vast majority of ordinary Britain citizens.
This is surprising, because belonging to the highest aristocracy, he has never been what is called a "man of the people". Churchill lived in luxury and did not go into the details of daily life of his countrymen, but it did not harm his popularity. In short, despite the fact that Churchill was served during his whole life, he seemed to be the most zealous servant of the people. For the British he always was and always will be "Winston - the superstar".